AIA Florida

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A Chapter of the American Institute of Architects

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Membership Benefits


More than 3,900 members in Florida already receive AIA Florida’s many benefits!­


AIA Florida Annual Convention & Tradeshow.

Florida/Caribbean Honor & Design Awards and local component design awards galas.

Florida component events on our master calendar.


Hot Topics seminars, license renewal seminars and online courses.

Advanced Florida Building Code courses, available 24/7 online.

Monthly webinars.

Jacob Leadership Institute.

Local component functions and networking events, such as happy hours and golf tournaments.


Complimentary profile in and copy of Florida/Caribbean Firm &­Membership Directory.

Complimentary subscription to quarterly Florida/Caribbean Architect magazine.

Subscriptions to e-publications such as Friday Facts ­­and Opportunities.

Inclusion in Find an Architect search feature, listing both firm and individual architects in Florida.

Member Advantages

30% off AIA contract documents, including electronic document software.

Reduced member rates for all events.

Free rèsumè posting.

AIA Florida insurance services.

Government Affairs & Legislative Team

Powerful Advocacy Committee and government affairs consulting team.

Annual Legislative Day, popular with legislators from around the state who await our annual Legislative Blueprint leave-behind.

Committees & Affiliated Organizations

Strong Committee structure focusing on advocacy, membership, knowledge and communications.

Florida Architects’ PAC – supporting those candidates who support architects.

Florida Foundation for Architecture – a charitable organization advocating architecture to the public.

AIA National Benefits

Participation in knowledge communities.

National lobbying efforts.

AIA Trust.

Subscription to AIArchitect, the national e-newsletter.

Subscription to Architect magazine.

Continuing education opportunities.

AIA Advantage discounts on products and services such as shipping, credit cards, technology and more.


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